Voice over IP (VoIP) Solutions

Looking for an affordable and efficient telephone solution?

If so, VOIP could provide you with substantial savings. VOIP or VoiceOverInternetProtocol is a cost-effective and secure way to stay in touch with customers and staff. Whether you are calling within a country or abroad a VOIP phone system can save you on phone charges and provide you with a wide range of outgoing, incoming, and voice mail options that make keeping in touch with your employees and clients easy. It even handles your internal phone system as well.


Compass IT Solutions partners with Netropolitan Works, a leading provider of VOIP services in Thailand to bring you flexible solutions for your office, small or large. VOIP phone systems can be configured in multiple ways giving you options that traditional analog systems cannot. In addition, we can offer phone numbers from most locales worldwide enabling you to decrease your long distance bills wherever you call from or to and enabling your employees no matter where they are to stay in touch with customers and colleagues. Call us for a free consultation.

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